Student Online Resources
Moby Max
Grades 7-8 ELA program
IXL - Math
Reinforcement and Practice for 8th grade math and Algebra students
Accelerated Reader
Tighe Students ~ Take a test here
Big Ideas Math, Grades 5-8
ED Science
ED -Your Friend in Learning digital component supplements to the K-8 Science Dimensions program. Includes electronic student edition, interactive student ebook, resources, simulations, and more.
Find AR Books
Look here to see if your book has a AR
First in Math - Math Fluency Games/Practice
Google Classroom
Touch base with your teachers and classmates, turn in an assignment, or find resources provided by your teacher.
Google Drive
Google Drive lets you communicate and collaborate for 21st century learning. Use Docs, Sheets, and Slides to compose your work, print or share it directly to your teacher.
Study Island
Reinforcement and practice with online lessons and tutorials for ELA and Math.
Sum Dog
Hone your math skills with fun games to build math fluency.
Think Central TIGHE - Journeys and GoMath
Grades K-6 Journeys ELA Program and 5th Grade GoMath!