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Extracurricular Clubs

Please note: Details noted are for informational purposes, but may vary. Students should always refer to daily announcements for updated times and activities.

Art Club- Enrichment projects in the visual arts, open to any interested student
Advisor: Mrs. Farrell
Grades: 5-8
Meeting Times: TBD

Band Club- Group practices and instruction for instrumental students
Advisor: Mrs. Roland
Grades: 5-8
Meeting Times: Before or after school in the music room, typically once a week 

Kids Who Code Club Lessons and projects with computer coding to encourage computer science, open to any interested student
Advisor: Dr. Minichino
Grades: 5-8
Meeting Times: Weekly on Tuesdays after school

MathCounts - Competitive problem-solving math team - practices are mandatory - tryouts in the fall, competition in the spring
Advisor: Mrs. Scott
Grades: 6-8 (Students take placement exam to qualify)
Meeting Times: Periodically in the mornings before AM Homeroom (announced in advance at school)

Mathletes - Competitive problem-solving math team - practices are mandatory - tryouts in the winter, competition in the spring
Advisor: Mrs. Scott
Grades: 5 (Students take placement exam to qualify)
Meeting Times: Periodically in the mornings before AM Homeroom (announced in advance at school)

National Junior Honor Society - Selective acceptance based on academics, community service, and leadership - meetings and activity participation is mandatory - apply in the fall of 7th or 8th grade - qualified 7th grade students can run for office for their 8th grade year
Advisors: Mr. McMenamin and Mrs. Cafiero
Grades: 7-8 (Students must complete application process to qualify)
Meeting Times: Periodically in the mornings before AM Homeroom or at recess (announced in advance at school), club projects/activities during school, after school, and on weekends

School Musical - Theater performance group, open to any interested student - practices and performances are mandatory - auditions in the fall and performances in the winter
Advisor: Mrs. Roland
Grades: 5-8
Meeting Times: After school, partial cast practices periodically in the mornings before AM Homeroom or at lunch/recess (announced in advance at school), performances during school, evenings, and on the weekend

Singsations - Choral performance group, open to any interested student - practices and performances are mandatory - multiple performances throughout the school year
Advisor: Mrs. Roland
Grades: 5-8
Meeting Times: Daily during lunch/recess, periodically in the mornings before AM Homeroom (announced in advance at school), performances during school

Student Council - Student leadership, citizenship, and school spirit group, open to any interested student - meetings and activity participation is mandatory - qualified 7th grade students can run for office for their 8th grade year
Advisors: Srta. Magel and Mrs. Ujcich
Grades: 5-8
Meeting Times: Periodically in the mornings before AM Homeroom (announced in advance at school), club projects/activities during school, after school, and on weekends

Tighe Envioronmental Club - Student environmental awareness group, open to any interested student - qualified students can run for office
Advisor: Mrs. Crompton
Grades: 5-8
Meeting Times: Periodically in the mornings before AM Homeroom (announced in advance at school), club projects/activities during school, after school, and on weekends

Technology Club - Enrichment projects using technology, open to any interested student
Advisor: Dr. Minichino
Grades: 5-8
Meeting Times: TBD

Think Day Team - Competitive content knowledge team - practices are mandatory - tryouts in the fall, competition in the spring
Advisors: Mrs. Scott and Srta. Magel
Grades: 6-8 (Students take placement exam to qualify)
Meeting Times: Periodically in the mornings before AM Homeroom, sometimes at lunch/recess (announced in advance at school)